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Effect on hatchability of length of time for turning eggs during the incubation in Redlegged partridge (Alectoris rufa)

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Authors: P. González-Redondo, S. De la Rosa Sánchez
Issue: 105-4 (291-295)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Game farming, fertility, alternative livestock, Phasianidae

Turning of the eggs during the artificial incubation is critical in order to obtain a good hatchability and viable one-day-old chicks. In Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) farming, the recommended length of time during which the eggs should be turned along the incubation process has not been experimentally tested. With the aim of improving knowledge on the optimum length of time for the eggs to be turned during the incubation, seventy four eggs were incubated, divided into three groups: eggs that were turned until day 18 or 19, eggs that were turned until day 20 or 21, and eggs that were turned until day 22 of incubation. The hatchability of the eggs was higher for the eggs that were turned during the incubation over at least 20 days.

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