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Utilización de tubos invernaderos, mulch plástico y polímeros en el establecimiento de encina y acebuche en el semiárido almeriense

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Authors: R.M.ª Navarro, J. Moreno, M.Á. Parra, J.R. Guzmán
Issue: 101-2 (129-144)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Afforestation, Quercus ilex, Olea europaea, tree shelters, mulch, hydrogel.

Formerly cropped sites that have been planted with hardwoods are typically associated with low tree survival and slow tree growth. This study evaluates the survival and growth of planted Holm oak (Quercus ilex L. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) and wild olive tree Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. in response to tree shelter, mulch and hydrogel treatments on a cropland site in southern Spain. The treatments were applied in a multifactorial desing, and survival and relative growth rate were monitored over a 1-year period. Trees in the SILVITUB tree shelter treatments consistently had greater levels of survival than the control. Although these effects were not significantly different for both species, we found that tree shelter had a significant effect on growth. The response of trees to tree shelters, mulch and hydrogel are consistent with other studies, and we believe this is due to the complex interplay of microclimate change and resource availability. Our results suggest that tree shelter may improve early survival and growth in forest plantations although its combination with mulch and hydrogel may be inefficient in term of forest plantations.

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