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Valoración de externalidades territoriales en denominaciones de origen de aceite de oliva mediante técnicas de Proceso Analítico de Red

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Authors: L. Pérez-y-Pérez, P. Egea y J. Sanz-Cañada
Issue: 109-2 (239-262)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Local Agro-Food Systems, agricultural multifunctionality, collective action in marketing, differentiation-related quality, innovative environment, Analytic Network Process (ANP).

Local agro-food production does not simply produce commercial goods, but it contributes increasingly to the supply of public goods. The aim of this work is to value the territorial externalities produced by the economic-institutional activities of Local Agro-Food Systems (LAFS) with respect to typical food products, such as those linked to protected designations of origin (PDOs). The purpose of the paper is to develop a methodology for the analysis and the valuation of non-market goods, in order to implement public policies. The project focuses on the olive oil sector. The field areas chosen are the PDOs of Estepa (Sevilla) and Sierra de Segura (Jaén). From the point of view of the demand for territorial externalities, the paper seeks to develop a methodology focusing on the valuation of non-market goods in PDOs, using multi-criteria decision techniques –Analytic Network Process (ANP)– based on the opinions of experts and the subsequent methods for obtaining consensus. As a methodological innovation, the deexmand for other public goods has been incorporated to the demand for agri-environmental externalities, for example those related to the origin, to the social capital or to the cultural heritage, using a cross-section approach inherent to the territorial analysis. Results show that the most influencing criteria on the expert preferences schemes are the collective action in marketing, the differential quality, and the creation of an innovative environment.

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