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Different considerations about beef quality attributes from the industry and the consumer point of view

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Authors: M.T. Maza y V. Ramírez
Issue: 102-4 (360-372)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Quality management, beef, industry, consumers

Quality management is currently a strategic factor for the survival of companies in any sector including agribusiness sector. In the last one is particulary important in suply chains where food scandals occurred leading to a loss of consumer confidence in the safety and quality of many food products. Quality management involves taking account the requirements of internal and external customers and the consumer requirements too. Nevertheless quality term has different even contradictory meanings for different agents of the supply chain, existing a lack of knowledge about the quality concept of consumer. The aim of this paper is to analyse consumer attributes of beef quality from the industry and the consumer point of view. From consumers we analyse motivation of purchasing beef, factors for achieving quality beef and factors for assessing quality.

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