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Bayesian estimation of genetic parameters and provenance effects of growth trais in Eucalyptus nitens

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Authors: A. Fernández, M.C. Rodríguez, R. Ipinza
Issue: 94A-3 (279-289)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Eucalyptus nitens, genotype x environment interaction, Gibbs sampling

The application of a Bayesian procedure to obtain inferences about genetic parameters and breeding values for Eucalyptus nitens is described. An analysis with the standard restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction method was carried out to compare the results obtained with both methods. The data set consisted of 14,590 trees from 162 open pollinated families taken from 13 different Australian provenances. The trees are distributed over 4 sites in Chile. Data were corrected for heterogeneity of phenotypic variances between blocks. In the analysis, a self pollination rate of 40%, for the open pollinated families is assumed in the relationship matrix. Data proceeding from site IV (Vista Alegre) was removed because the existence of genotype x environment interaction. The posterior means of the heritabilities of height and diameter and the genetic and phenotypic correlation were 0.149, 0.187, 0.820 and 0,832. Differences in breeding value among provenances and among families were evidenced for both traits. The effect of data standardization by the estimated block phenotypic standard deviation on the overall genetic ranking of trees was also analyzed.

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