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Morphological characterisation of the Canarian ovine genetic resources

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Authors: S. Álvarez, J. Capote, M. Fresno, J.V. Delgado, C.J.Barba, J.M. Afonso, E. Rodero
Issue: 94A-3 (362-367)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: breed, Canary Islands, genetic

We have developed the morphological characterisation (12 quantitative variables and 7 zoometrical indexes) of the Canarian native sheep breeds. In the Canary breed we have studied 136 animals while the whole population (64 animals) of the Palmera breed have been measured.
We have found highly significant differences between breeds for the most of the studied variables. The Canary breed is shown as mid‑cephalic animals, and long body proportions; while the Palmera breed resulted as smaller animals with narrow head, and not as long body proportions.

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