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Bloom density, fruit set and fruit traits in almond as related to the type of fruiting branches

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Authors: O. Kodad y R. Socias i Company
Issue: 104-4 (433-447)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Almond, P. amygdalus Batsch, Bloom density, Fruit set, Fruit traits, Kernel traits, Branching habit.

Bloom density, fruit set and fruit traits in almond as related to the type of fruiting branches Bloom density was studied in nine almond selections in order to ascertain its relationship with fruit set and the level of the subsequent crop. The presence of spurs was found to be the main component of bloom density. Thus, the physical parameters of fruits produced on spurs or on oneyear shoots were compared in order to establish the influence of the fruiting branch on fruit quality. Bloom density and its components, as well as fruit set, fruit density and productivity were highly dependent on the genotype and the year, but the interaction genotype × year was less important or even non significant, showing the importance of each genotype and the year effect, probably linked to the climatic conditions of each year and the physiological status of the trees. The effect of the fruiting branch was significant for fruit and kernel size, but not for their shape, showing that nut and kernel shape are cultivar traits, allowing its commercial definition as such, but also that fruits from spurs, because of their smaller size, are of lesser commercial quality.

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