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Operative Methodology to Obtain the Crop Coefficient from Satellite Images

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Authors: A. Cuesta, A. Montoro, A.M. Jochum, P. López, A. Calera
Issue: 101-3 (212-224)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: evapotranspiration, vegetation index, vegetation canopy

Crop evapotranspiration is usually calculated using the crop coefficient (Kc) x reference evapotranspiration (ETo) methodology, Kc x ETo, recommended by FAO. In the present work Kc have been estimated from the Normalized by Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI, derived from the vegetation canopy spectral reflectance in the red and infrared bands. We present an operative methodology to obtain crop coefficient values maps from high spatial resolution satellite imagery. Using a temporal imagery sequence we can obtain Kc temporal evolution monitoring of each plot. The described procedure enable us to obtain the denominated Kc,NDVI, and it´s based in the well known lineal relationship between the NDVI and the basal crop coefficient. This methodology have been validated with the results of the 2002 and 2003 campaigns in the pilot zone of Barrax (Spain) developed into DEMETER project for the following crops: barley, wheat, maize, opium poppy, sugar beet, alfalfa, bean, potato, onion and garlic. The results show the described methodology applicability in those crops that reach high effective full cover, but underestimate the crop coefficient in those crops that reach low effective full cover in the maximum growing stage.

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