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Peach breeding at Unidad de Fruticultura, CITA de Aragón

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Authors: M. Carrera, J.M. Alonso, M.T. Espiau, R. Socias i Company
Issue: 101-4 (260-264)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Peach, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, Breeding

Peach breeding in the CITA (Centre for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragón) was undertaken with objectives different from those of most of the other breeding programmes. The new cultivars searched for were of three different types of fruit: white clingstones, yellow clingstones with a defined ripening time, and flat peaches. The first efforts of selection and crosses resulted in the release of a clone of each of the peach fruit types: ‘Montaced’, ‘Montamar’ and ‘Montejota’. At present new crosses are being designed in order to obtain a wider range of cultivars fulfilling the requirements of both the fruit growers and the consumers.

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