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Factors that contribute to the success of a merger of cooperatives

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Authors: E. Meliá-Martí y A. Martínez-García
Issue: 111-1 (73-92)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agricultural, size, integration, dimension, synergies.

Any merger or integration is a complex process where many interests are at stake and in which various factors exert their influence on numerous hardly controllable or predictable by the agents involved in these cases. This article aims to evaluate, using the technique of logit analysis, different scenarios that can provide conclusive results on the influence of size or financial situation starting agricultural cooperatives involved in mergers recorded in Spain between 1995 and 2005, establishing whether these variables influence or determine the success of a merger. The results show that entities are starting from a lower dimension and profitability ratios are tighter they get a significant improvement in their postmerger results.

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