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Economic evaluation of mediterranean greenhouses technology: an application to pepper production

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Authors: M.A. Fernández-Zamudio, A. Pérez, P. Caballero
Issue: 102-3 (260-277)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Production costs, Technological innovation, Protected crops, Capsicum annuum L.

The production and commerce of pepper in Spain has followed a growing trend over the last 20 years, displaying a very firm competitive position. However, to keep the pepper competitive in the face of liberalisation of the markets and the concurrence of the same in other countries, above all Mediterranean ones, the Spanish strategy should focus on an increase in the level of technology, especially in the production phase. The aim of this work is to economically evaluate the different levels of technology in the greenhouses dedicated to pepper growing, in the region of Pilar de la Horadada (Alicante). Two levels of growing in the ground have been considered, one without heating and the other with minimum heating, and two following the substrate cultivation model with permanent heating, and one of these with CO2 applications. The economic repercussions of implanting the four levels of technology analysed have been determined considering annual costs, the investments and the different economic coefficients established in this respect. The results lead us to confirm that under current conditions the four levels considered are valid, given that all of them present an acceptable degree of profitability.

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