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Physico-chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of the pecan fruit in high (on) and low-productive conditions (of)

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Authors: M.A. Flores-Córdova, P. Berzoza-Vasquez, E. Sánchez-Chávez, J.I. Sáenz Solís, S Guerrero-Morales, y J. Hernández-Carrillo
Issue: 112-3 (255-270)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Alternate bearing, pecan tree, phenols, shell, production cycle, physicochemical

The consuming of foods containing high levels of bioactive compounds containing with quality vegetable protein, such as nuts, has increased in the last years due to the need of a healthy lifestyle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical characterization, content of total phenols, condensed tannins and antioxidant capacity of the shell and grain of the pecan (Carya illinoinensis) variety Western Schley in a high productive year (called "on") (2013) and in a low-productive year (called "off") (2014). The physicochemical characterization was determined by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), the content of phenolic compounds was evaluated using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, the antioxidant activity was evaluated using the radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-1,2-picrihidrazil) method, and the condensed tannins were determined using the vanillin test. The results showed significant differences in the compounds found in the shell and edible portion between the years "on" and "off". The edible kernel had a high calorific value and high content of lipids. During the low productive year, the concentration of compounds found in the sell was highest in phenols (167,07 mg g-1 ) antioxidants ( 373,08 mg g-1) y condensed tannins (690,l5 mg g-1). The grain is an energy rich food containing bioactive compounds that provides high antioxidant activity and health benefits. The high concentration of phytochemicals in the shells indicates that they can be a good source of antioxidants and may be used as raw material in the pharmaceutical and food industry in the future.

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