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Caracterización de variantes genéticas en la κ‑caseína caprina

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Authors: M. Habib Yahyaoui, A. Coll, A. Sánchez, J.M. Folch
Issue: 96A-3 (302-310)
Topic: Animal Production

Polymorphisms in the goat κ‑casein gene were studied using the Base Excision Sequence Scanning (BESS) method and sequencing. Seven polymorphic sites were detected, three of these were silent mutations while the other four produced aminoacid substitutions. The association between these polymorphisms was investigated , which resulted in the identification of three goat κ‑casein alleles, designated A, B, and C. Protocols for rapid genotyping of the C variant were developed by PCR‑RFLP using Alw44I and BseNI restriction endonucleases. The occurrence of this allele was found to be very low in Spanish breeds but more frequent in the French Saanen goat. Further studies among different goat populations are necessary to establish the distribution of these alleles and their effects on the quality and functional properties of milk.

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