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Influence of ageing and cooking method on sensory evaluation and aromatic compounds profile of meat from Retinta breed crossbreeding

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Authors: B. Panea, G. Ripoll, K. Insausti, M.J. Beriain, C. Sañudo y P. Albertí
Issue: 115-2 (149-162)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Beef, panel test, aromatic compounds

We studied the effect of ageing period and cooking method on sensory evaluation and aromatic compounds profile of meat from crosses of Retinta Limousine, Pirenaica and Asturiana de los Valles bulls and Retinta dams. Two panels were used, one to study the ageing effect and another to compare the effect of cooking method. The training and temperature of cooking were identical in both cases, although the descriptive profiles are different among themselves. No interaction between effects was found in sensory evaluation. Crossbreeding only affected tenderness, being meat from Pirenaica x Retinta and Retinta x Retinta crosses slightly tougher. Tenderness, liver flavour and acid flavour increased with ageing, contrary to juiciness. The cooking method affected tenderness and ease swallowing, and both variables were inversely correlated. 50 aromatics compounds were identified and we found a significant interaction effects for 15 compounds, especially hydrocarbons. Crossbreeding affected the percentage of alcohols, ketones and sulphur compounds whereas cooking method affected to all compounds. Hydrocarbons and ketones showed higher concentrations than the rest of the compounds. All compounds except the ketone groups were affected by cooking method. For all groups of compounds except for the sulphur, the amounts detected were higher when the cooking method was water‑boiling.


Panea B, Ripoll G, Insausti K, Beriain MJ, Sañudo C, Albertí P (2019). Influencia de la maduración y el tipo de cocinado en la valoración sensorial y el perfil de compuestos aromáticos del cruce industrial de raza Retinta. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(2): 149‑162.

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