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High frequency of chromosome translocation 1/29 of Romosinuanos bovines and its effects on the reproduction

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Authors: M. Quintana Sossa, J.L. Páez, O. Acosta, O. Torres, G. Ossa, E. Gutiérrez
Issue: 95A-2 (109-117)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: autochthonous breed, Centric Fussion, translocation 1/29

Cytogenetic studies carried out initially at University of Cordoba were completely developed lately at Corporación Universitaria del Sinú, on samples of pure Romosinuanos bovines at the Turipana Research Center that forms part of the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (CORPOICA). Cytogenetic studies are being carried out on samples of pure Romosinuanos bovines, that are direct descendants of the Spanish autochthonous breed, which were the founder cattle of this region. Out of a total of 38 animals studied, a high frequency of chromosome translocation was found. Due to the fact that no autochthonous breed exist in America, it may be surmised that this translocation inherited from European ancestry would suggest a migratory route, from Europe to Colombia via North Coast, for this Cytogenetic event took place.
Moreover, it's discussed the effect of translocation from a carrier female, with a descendency of seven offspring. This suggests the possible occurrence of gametic selection of the mentioned female.
The chromosomes were obtained through peripheric blood cultures in RPMI‑1640 medium, then enriched with foetal bovine serum. The identification of the chromosomes was made by applying the conventional coloration, "Giemsa", and by G‑banding methods, obtained using the digestive enzyme Tripsin.

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