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El programa de selección en la raza ovina manchega

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Authors: M.D. Pérez‑Guzmán, J.J. Jurado, M. Serrano, V. Montoro
Issue: 92A-3 (22-30)
Topic: Animal Production

Selection Scheme for Manchega sheep was iniciated 9 years ago, and many problems have appeared up to date.
During this period, it had been necessary to increase the number of inseminated ewes per ram from 100 to 150. In addition, male lambs from the immediately lower genetic level than those which are qualified to be tested, are been sold to breeders in order to increase the diffusion of genetic potential.
With regard to milk recording, the main limitation is the high number of lactations iniciated but not finished. Nowadays to solve this problem, it has been assayed the extension of the unfinished lactations.
In general, apart from these problems, a slight positive genetic trend is observed, though it is necessary to improve several aspects.

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