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Response of canola (Brassica napus) al different conservation tillage in rainfed Purhepecha Plateau, Michoacan, Mexico

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Authors: M.A. Cepeda y B.L. Gómez
Issue: 106-4 (282-293)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Yield, profitability, pods per plant increased.

In the Plateau Purhépecha located in Michoacan, Mexico, the land for agricultural production have gradients of up to 15% and its volcanic origin exhibit low particle cohesion, resulting in high levels of erosion. In this region, using the production system called “year and time”, which consists in planting corn in conventional tillage, residual moisture, which occupies the ground 10 months after the harvest site remains at rest for another 10 months. In 2004, the National Research Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock, introduced the cultivation of canola for incorporation into the period of disuse. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the canola crop performance under different conservation tillage systems that increase yield, reduce production costs and increase profitability through the elimination of different cultural practices. In Nahuatzen, Mich., At 2,350 meters, in a soil with four years without working, we evaluated the canola crop without irrigation, under reduced tillage systems (LR more than one practice), minimum tillage (LM a single practice) and zero tillage (l.0. no practice), with cultural practices: Scan (R), crossed (S) and weeding (E) LR treatments were generated: CSR., LR: RS., LR: SE., LM: S., LM: E and L0, with 20% of waste as a control corn and conventional tillage (plowing, disking, plowing and weeding). Mechanized planting was 3.5 kg ha-1 seed Hyola 401 and 120-60-80 NPK fertilization. Per treatment were sampled 8 m2, with a decrease in the number of plants from 42 to 17 in the conservation tillage treatments compared to conventional tillage. In plant height did not detect statistical differences. The parameters number of pods and branches per plant, the conservation tillage treatments showed increases from 60-257 pods per plant and two branches per plant with respect to conventional tillage, while similar values tillage to conventional tillage. In return, all conservation tillage treatments exceeded that of conventional tillage in at least 273 kg ha-1. Economically, treatment with best benefit - cost was minimal tillage (E) with $ 0.73 per peso invested, followed by reduced tillage (CSR) with $ 0.60 per peso invested.

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