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Social valuation of the Andalusian agricultural multifunctionality

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Authors: M. Arriaza y J.A. Gómez-Limón
Issue: 107-2 (102-125)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: multifunctionality, Analytic Hierarchy Process, public goods, externalities, public opinion

The present study analyses the social preferences of the Andalusian population for the functions that the agriculture should provide. Based on a regional survey through a multicriteria technique, the Analytic Hierarchy Process, three generic functions (economic, environmental and social) and seven specific are evaluated. The results show that the economic functions are most valuated (59%), followed by the environmental (27%) and social functions (14%). The results suggest that the socioeconomic characteristics of the citizens determine the valuation of these functions, being the place of residence (rural versus urban) the most important variable.

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