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Flower Biology and fruit set in ‘Agua de Aranjuez’ pear

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Authors: J. Sanzol, M. Herrero
Issue: 101-4 (343-348)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Pear, ‘Agua de Aranjuez’, erratic fruit set, pollination

‘Agua de Aranjuez’ pear is a cultivar particularly prone to erratic fruit set. This has been overcome through the induction of parthenocarpic fruits following treatment with gibberelic acid, to the point that the production of this cultivar relies on this treatment. However, recent concern on the use of hormonal products in fruit crops, may jeopardize the production of this cultivar. The poor cropping performance of ‘Agua de Aranjuez’ has been explained under a number of hypotheses. In this work we review the last results obtained in this cultivar, determining the relative importance of different reproductive factors contributing to erratic fruit set. Based on these results a pollination alternative for the production of this cultivar is discussed.

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