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Fertilization and weed control effects in a dryland cereal rotation

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Authors: G. Pardo, J. Aibar, P. Ciria, M.V. Cristóbal, A. De Benito, E. Estalrich, A. García Martín, G. García Muriedas, C. Labrador, C. Lacasta, A. Lafarga, J.A. Lezaún, R. Meco, F. Villa, C. Zaragoza
Issue: 100V-1 (34-50)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Organic farming, compost, mechanical weed control

The experiments presented here had in the objectives to compare different chemical fertilization and weed control methods, with the use of compost as fertilizer and a flex-tine harrow for mechanical weeding. In 1996, trials were established in a four years crop rotation: fallow→ barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ) → vetch (Vicia sativa L.) ground ploughed→ durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), in semi-arid regions. The results of 29 trials performed since 1999 to 2003 are presented here. In all of them three fertilization levels [organic (2500 kg compost/ha made by cereal straw and sheep manure), chemical (100-60-60) and no fertilized] and weed control levels [a flex-tine harrow tillage, a conventional herbicide application and untreated control] were studied in cereal plots with a bifactorial statistical model. Cereal production increased significantly only in the 21% and 17% of the chemical and organic fertilizer treatments respectively. Under these conditions the application of any fertilizer is not economically justified. The crop rotation had a very important preventive effect. Following the fallow and ploughed vetch periods, weed density was generally low in cereal plots (74 pl/m² average on untreated plots). Herbicide had the same average effectivity as mechanical control (about 50%). The smaller weed density obtained with any treatments only meant a significant higher grain production with respect of untreated plots in the 11% and 3.5% of the chemical and mechanical weed control treatments respectively. Mechanical control was observed negative for cereal production the 7% of the occasions. Consequently, both weed control methods are not considered efficient to increase the cereal yields in these conditions.

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