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Aroma compounds and quality of 'Fuji' apples during tree­-maturation and posterior cold-storage

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Authors: G. Echeverría, M.L. López, J. Graell
Issue: 99V-2 (181-195)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Fruit, cold storage, volatile, maturity, ULO atmosphere

In this work, we studied aroma compounds and quality of 'Fuji' (Nagafu 6) apples during their tree-maturation and along storage period. During pre-harvest period, fruit samples were picked at 6 dates. Apple samples were harvested at 185 and 195 days after full bloom (DAFB) and stored in ULO atmosphere (1.1% O2 + 0.9% CO2, 1 ºC, 92% RH) during 3 and 5 months. Fruit analyses were carried out at each tree sampling date and after each storage period (after 1, 5 and 10 days al 20ºC).
During tree-maturation of fruit, we observed an increase of most of esters and 2-methyl-1-butanol. Fruit firmness and acidity remained constant, whereas SS and a*+b* (background colour) increased along maturation of the apples. The highest aroma production was obtained after 5 months storage and 1 day of ripening at 20 ºC. Fruits harvested at 195 DAFB showed more aroma concentration than fruits harvested at 185 DAFB. During storage, apples had a good retention of quality parameters (in fruits harvested at 185 DAFB); hovewer, these fruits lost firmness and acidity during shelf-life period after 5 months of storage; apple colour was also influenced by shelf-life period.

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