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Development of a sensorial scheme for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) gutted and stored under refrigeration condition

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Authors: D.A. Agüeria, P.M. Sanzano, F. Grosman
Issue: 103-2 (65-71)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: common carp, freshness, pampasics shallow lakes, freshwater fishes

Sensory analysis is a routine method used in the industry sector and be sanitary authorities to evaluate freshness of fish products. Because of the novel presence and commercialization of common carps (Cyprinus carpio) in the “región pampeana” in Argentina, the implementation of methods for estimating the sensory quality of this species under different treatments was determined as a necessity. The aim of this work was to develop a scheme of sensory analysis that allows to evaluate different levels of freshness in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) gutted and stored under refrigeration. Fishes were gutted, rinsed and stored with ice under refrigeration at 4 °C. The development of scheme was based on Quality Index Method with modifications. Changes in the sensorial characteristics were recorded starting at the catching time and during the storage period. A table with the most important attributes (appearance/ colour, mucus and skin odour; stiffness/texture; odour, colour and presence of adherence in gills; form and eyes appearance) was designed and each attribute was scored according to its deterioration degree. Based on acceptability of these external attributes, twelve days was determined as time for rejection. The changes in sensory punctuations exhibited high correlations with time of storage.

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