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Garnem', 'Monegro' and 'Felinem': new almond x peach hybrid rootstocks, nematode resistant and red leaved for stone fruits

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Authors: J. Gómez Aparisi, M. Carrera, A.J. Felipe, R. Socias i Company
Issue: 97V-3 (282-288)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Rootstocks, almond x peach hybrids, Prunus, resistance, nematodes

Three new almond x peach hybrid rootstocks coming from the rootstock breeding programme of the SIA ‑ DGA are described. They are characterized by their resistance to root‑knot nematodes (RKN) and their good performance in calcareours soils and drought, thus especially adapted to the Mediterranean growing conditions. All of them have red leaves, are easily propagated vegetatively and have no feathers, very good traits for nursery management. These rootstocks have been extensively tested in very diverse agricultural conditions showing a very good behaviour, mainly in replant conditions and with nematode problems.

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