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Qualitative traits of the composition of the almond cultivars from Majorca (Spain)

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Authors: R. Socias i Company, G. Estopañán, T. Juan, J.M. Alonso y O. Kodad
Issue: 114-1 (17-32)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Prunus amygdalus, composition, quality, fatty acids, tocopherols

Oil content, percentage of the different fatty acids and concentration on the three main tocopherol homologs were determined for the almonds of 23 cultivars of Majorca. All these parameters showed great variability, with a range of 47.40‑56.78% of dry matter for oil, of 58.65‑78.44% of total oil for oleic acid, of 12.01‑29.40% for linoleic acid, of 5.38‑7.06% for palmitic acid, of 1.88‑3.71% for stearic acid, of 0.38‑0.61% for palmitoleic acid, of 258.5‑500.2 mg kg-1 oil for α‑tocopherol, of 0.02‑1.13 mg kg-1 oil for δ‑tocopherol, of 1.89‑20.8 mg kg-1 oil for γ‑tocopherol, and of 260.41‑522.13 mg kg-1 oil for total tocopherols. This variability agrees with the levels of variability of these components analyzed in almond cultivars of different geographical origin, but the values obtained were lower than the average for the oil content, the percentage of oleic acid and the concentration of tocopherols, a fact that may recommend a rapid commercialization of the Majorcan almonds, as well as their utilization for specific confectioneries due to their oil content.

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