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Empirical models of weed‑crop competition. Review

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Authors: D.A. Jamaica‑Tenjo y J.L. González‑Andújar
Issue: 115-4 (289-306)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Arvenses, interferencia, lineales, no lineales, hiperbólicos, econometría espacial

Weeds are considered one of the biggest problems in agriculture, as they compete with crops for water, nutrients, light and space, substantially reducing their yield. From a practical point of view, it is very important to predict the effect of weeds on crop yield. To this end, empirical models of weed‑crop competition have been developed that relate the loss of yield as a response to the density or biomass of weeds. This paper presents a review of these models and their limitations, from the linear models, the nonlinear models among which is the most used, the hyperbolic model, to recent proposals of models that can be used to improve the understanding of the crop‑weed competition in a spatial context.


Jamaica‑Tenjo DA, González‑Andújar JL (2019). Modelos empíricos de competencia cultivo‑mala hierba. Revisión Bibliográfica. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(4): 289‑306.

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