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Análisis comparado de los resultados de las fábricas de piensos compuestos en Aragón

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Authors: A. Caudevilla, L. Pérez y Pérez, J.M. Gil
Issue: 91A-1 (23-35)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: animal feed sector, cooperatives

This paper presents a comparative study of the animal feed industry in the region of Aragón discerning by different types of companies.
The paper atarts stressing the importance of cooperatives as a business system, and showing the specific weight of cooperative production in Europe and Spain. Next, based on data from the results of a questionnaire answered by all aragonnese factories, it's observed that the cooperative companies have a weak specific weight in production and generated employment, and cooperatives are strongly specialized on manufactured pork and bovine feed. There is also an analysis of some features of the sector such as the marketing strategies, the main ingredients used by animal feed industry and their origin, and the logistic aspects of the aragonnese firms. It's detected that the area of commercial influence is small, specially the area of associatives firms (S.C. and S.A.T. in Spain). Additionally, a comparison is made between the different supply prices.
Finally, there is an analysis to determine the possible deficiencies of the regional cooperatives and also on the trends that will follow the animal feed industry in Aragón. The paper concludes giving some final recomendations that could suppose an improvement of the production structure, the manufacture and marketing of agricultural products involved in the animal feed sector.

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