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Early pregnancy diagnosis and determination of number of embryos by transrectal ultrasonography in goats

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Authors: J. Santiago Moreno, A. González de Bulnes, M. García López, A. López Sebastián
Issue: 91A-1 (37-43)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: echography, goat, pregnancy, transrectal

In seventeen Murciano‑Granadina goats, early pregnancy diagnosis and estimation of number of embryos have been assessed by transrectal ultrasonography with a 7.5 MHz probe, between days 10 and 40 after estrous. On day 11, 14.3% of pregnancies can be detected, which increasses to 71.2% on day 18 and 100% on day 24. The number of embryos can be determined from day 19 on, though 100% efficiency is only attained after day 30 of gestation.

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