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The new therapy for plants? - Essential oils for disease control in agriculture

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Authors: Maricela Santiago‑Santiago, Gabriela Sánchez‑Viveros, Nicolaza Pariona, Luis Guillermo Hernández‑Montiel y Roberto Gregorio Chiquito‑Contreras
Issue: 120-2 (116-132)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: agricultural nanotechnology, chemotypes, encapsulation, mechanisms of action, secondary metabolites

Plant diseases generate considerable economic losses in the agricultural sector worldwide and are a latent threat to food security. The use of synthetic agrochemicals represents the most common strategy for the control of phytopathogens. The current excessive use of synthetic pesticides cause negative effects on the enviroment, human health and other organisms. Due to these limitations, the need arises to generate new ecological and sustainable therapies for the control of diseases in plants. Some studies propose the use of essential oils for their bioactivity as biocontrol agents against pests in agriculture. But despite its wide applications in other áreas, its low aqueous solubility, high volatility, and sensitivity to light, temperatura, and oxygen limit its use in agricultural applications. Therefore, the objetive of this review is to present an updated framework for the use of essential oils for disease control and its impact on agriculture.


Santiago‑Santiago M., Sánchez‑Viveros G., Pariona N., Hernández‑Montiel L.G., Chiquito‑Contreras R.G. (2024). ¿La nueva terapia para las plantas? - Los aceites esenciales para control de enfermedades en agricultura. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 120(2): 116-132.

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