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Analysis of the competitive strategies in the horticulture and fruit industry of Aragon and Navarra

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Authors: M. Sánchez, B. Iraizoz, J.M. Gil
Issue: 92V-3 (147-170)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: competitiveness, R&D, commercial police

The goal of the study is to describe the competitive situation of the horticulture and fruit industry of Aragón and Navarra under a national and European outlook. Two main aspects have been chosen as the most meaningful: the policy of business improvement in R&D and the strategic attitude to the current environment.
The article is organized in six parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part outlines the methodology used. The third part shows the most important productivity ratios in both regions and are compared with the national levels. The forth part studies the R&D and the commercial policies. The fifth part contains the firms managers' points of view regarding their competitive situation as a firm and in relation to their products. The sixth part analyzes the key factors that explain the competitive situation of the firms. Finally, part seventh sums up the conclusions of the analysis.

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