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The evolution of morphological parameters of swiss chard harvested leaf by leaf

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Authors: P. Hoyos, V. Álvarez, A. Rodríguez
Issue: 101-3 (225-236)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Beta vulgaris var. cicla , weight, leaf area, dry matter, greenhouse

In Villa del Prado (Madrid), chard harvest is manual and staggered, removing the outer leaves, allowing the inner ones to grow, so most tender leaves are harvested. Chard is prepared for market by bunching the leaves. Leaves must be harvested when their size is suitable for bunches, it is not necessary to wait until they are completely developed. In this study, the objective is to assess quality and morphological parameters evolution of leaves from cv. Amarilla de Lyon sel. Ramiro Arnedo, measured in each of the harvests made during the growing cycle. Parameters relations have also been studied, because when data are needed from a parameter which is difficult to measure, information can be obtained from an easier one. Studied parameters are: leaf length, limb length and width, leaf stalk width, leaf weight, dry matter and leaf area. Lower values were obtained in January, while higher values at the end of the growing cycle, except for dry matter. Length is the morphological parameter that has changed the most; chard leaves were shorter during colder days and longer during spring months. Weight varied greatly, fluctuating between 24.39 g in January to 56.38 g in May. Best estimate of leaf area was obtained by multiplying length and width.

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