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Physical characterization, phenol content and antioxidant capacity of native maize (Zea mays L.) of the State of Mexico

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Authors: J. Corona-Terán, C. A. López-Orona, S. J. Romero-Gómez y A. R. Martínez-Campos
Issue: 113-1 (5-19)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Zea mays, antioxidant activity, phenotypic diversity

Genetic diversity and phenotypic knowledge of native maize (Zea mays L.) contribute to its use and conservation. Varieties of native maize (n=32), collected in the municipality of San Felipe del Progreso, Mexico State (Mexico), were studied in the current study. Maize grains of several different colours including white, yellow, white-yellowish, black and purple were analysed for grain structure, total content of phenols and anti-oxidant activity with the aim of assigning an added value to this native maize as well as considering the knowledge of its structure and anti-oxidant activity as a strategy for its conservation. Results showed that black coloured maize registered a fragile structure, the highest content of floury endosperm (80.34%), the lowest percentage of horny endosperm (4.8%), and were different to the rest of coloured varieties. The yellow maize varieties had the lowest anti-oxidant potential (32.3% of residual DPPH). No correlation between anti-oxidant potential and total content of phenols was found.

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