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Performance of new selections of Prunus rootstocks, resistant to root knot nematodes, in waterlogging conditions

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Authors: B. Dichio, C. Xiloyannis, G. Celano, L. Vicinanza, D. Esmenjaud, J. Gómez Aparisi, G. Salesses
Issue: 99V-1 (23-26)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Rootstock, photosynthesis, Prunus, transpiration

This study assessed the responses to waterlogging conditions of a few new interspecific hybrids belonging to the Prunus genus and resistant to root knot nematodes. Leaf photosynthetic and transpiration activities were measured during the waterlogging period (30 days) and the recovery phase (18 days).
In general, the interspecific parents P amygdalus x P. persica appeared to be very sensitive to waterlogging (all the plants died), while the parents belonging to P. cerasifera appeared to be resistant. The interspecific crosses between P. cerasifera x (P. amygdalus x P. persica) displayed a good response to stress, showing a slight decrease in gas exchange during waterlogging and a complete recovery of leaf functionality in the 18 days following the reestablishing of optimal soil water condition.

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