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Evaluation of the effects of different rootstocks on productive features of two peach varieties

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Authors: G.H. Valentini, R.E. Murray, L.E. Arroyo
Issue: 99V-3 (234-248)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Prunus persica, yield, vigour, yield efficiency

With the purpose of contributing to peach rootstocks selection suitable to the fruit growing area in the northeast of the Buenos Aires Province, the effects of rootstocks with different genetical origin and agronomical performance, over the expression of productive traits of 'Flordaking' and 'Flavorcrest' peach cultivars [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] were evaluated. The tested rootstocks were 'Cuaresmillo Merlo', 'Cuaresmillo Catamarca', 'Cuaresmillo La Rioja', 'GF 305', 'Nemaguard', 'Montclar' and 'Rubira', all of them belonging to P. persica species.
Vigour and productivity were significatively affected by the rootstock, genotype x rootstock interaction (except far average fruit weight), the year and its interaction with variety/rootstock combination. 'Rubira' gave productive scions with 'Flavorcrest' and 'Flordaking', meanwhile 'Flordaking' also did it with 'C. Merlo', 'C. Catamarca', 'Nemaguard' and 'GF 305'. Yield efficiency was significatively the highest with both cultivars grafted on 'Rubira'. Positive correlations were obtained, independently the tested cultivar, only among yield and yield efficiency.

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