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'Ginart', a peach cultivar suitable for the humid-temperate region of Argentina

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Authors: C.O. Budde, C. Lucangeli, G. Polenta, R. Murray, L. Arroyo, G. Valentini
Issue: 99V-3 (249-261)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Agronomic performance, refrigerated storage, maturity indices, ethylene

The aims of this work were to describe the agronomic performance of 'Ginart' peach variety and to analyze the variables needed for its qualification as a cultivar suitable for domestic market and/or for export, in the northeast of the Province of Buenos Aires growing conditions.
Phenological, productive and quality variables were evaluated on trees and fruits of 'Ginart' grown at the San Pedro Experiment Station (INTA). Data were obtained from trees planted at plots of collection and from two experiments made over fruit samples to determine maturity indices and the refrigerated storage ability.
'Ginart' had a good agronomic performance; the more proper maturity indexes were ethylene production, flesh firmness and the ground color of the epidermis. It is remarkable the good performance at long refrigerated storage. The total soluble solids/acidity ratio was appropriate or at the lowest level of the acceptable range. 'Ginart' appears as a well adapted variety to the regional growing conditions and promising for export to distant markets, although it should be paying attention to the orchard management to avoid a low total soluble solids content in the fruits.

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