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Competitive position and possible modifications in table grape production in Alicante

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Authors: M.A. Fernández, M.D. de Miguel, P. Caballero
Issue: 97V-1 (39-51)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Competitiveness, Integrated Production, bagged grapes, product differentiation

Although Mediterranean regions have apparent advantages for high quality production of table grape, with our integration into the E.U. and the progressive liberalisation of the markets, it seems that the stability of the exportations has diminished.
To evaluate the situation, competitiveness as well as main factors affecting it , were studied, The area of Vinolapó (Alicante), was taken as a reference and contrasted with the italian position, world leader in this activity.
What follows describes the effect of introducing Integrated Production, and finally, are established a series of conclusions over the advantages that can provide, in its entirety, the proposed modifications.

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