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Study of the complete secuence of DNA mitochondrial of 4 pigs breeds to develop a molecular tool and certification of the maternal origin in the legal framework about Iberian Pig

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Authors: A. Membrillo, I. Clemente, P.J. Azor, C. Avilés, A.M. Jiménez, E. Santos, A. Rodero, G. Dorado, A. Molina
Issue: 104-2 (94-98)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Iberian pig, maternal origin, mitochondrial DNA, Quality Standard for products of the Iberian pig

The law about the Quality Standard for Iberian pig products (RD 1469/2007 from November 2) establishes a requirement Iberian pure maternal origin for products sold as "from Iberian" within the Standard. Because of the maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), its study and analysis is an useful tool in combination with other molecular tools to ensure regulatory compliance. The complete sequencing of the mtDNA from Iberian, Duroc, Large White and Mangalitza pigs allowed identifying 199 type SNP polymorphisms located in the mitochondrial genome. These results belong to a wider genomic development for the analysis and fingerprinting of the Iberian pig and its products.

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