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Instrumental beef meat quality from Retinta breed crossed young bulls

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Authors: B. Panea, G. Ripoll., C. Sañudo, J.L. Olleta, P. Albertí
Issue: 112-3 (286-300)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: color, texture, bovine, chemical composition, water holding capacity

Crossbreeding has a great impact in meat-producers markets because breed is one of the main factors affecting carcass and meat quality.. Young bulls raised in Spain are usually cross-bred from autochthonous dams and meat-sires to improve carcass quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the breed of the sire on meat quality. Twenty-eight young bulls were divided into 4 groups according to the sire breed to be finished, and slaughtered at twelve months of age with 480.0 ± 15.5 kg. The Control group was established with Retinta purebred bulls, and the three experimental groups with Limusín, Pirenaica and Asturiana de los Valles crossbred animals. In general, meat from purebred animals tended to present lower values for pressure losses and moisture percentage, and higher values for the drop losses than meat from the other groups. Limousin crossbreeding produced meats with greater lightness at any exposure-time and tended to have lower WB load values and lower values for stress at 20% than the other crosses, especially at short-ageing times. Pirenaica crossbreeding resulted in meat with higher Chroma, higher concentration of haem pigments and greater WB load values. Asturiana de los Valles crossbreeding originated meat with lower lightness and lower cooking losses at long-ageing times, tending to present the lowest values for Chroma and the lowest values for drip losses. The interest of crossbreeding with meat bulls is evident, since it improves dressing percentage, although the instrumental quality of the meat has not been improved in this study.

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